Friday, January 29, 2010

Biscuit = A White, Doughy, Butter Lump

My lips are chapped, my cuticles are breaking, and no matter how much shea butter I rub on my knees and elbows, they are still dry and itchy. I hate this time of year. I miss dewy summer skin; I miss sandals (actually I just miss an excuse for a pedicure). I miss my #3, ‘Sand dollar’ foundation. In my paleness I am forced to wear #1, ‘Biscuit.’ I don’t want to be the color of a biscuit.

Growing up, “biscuit” in my household was another name for butt cheek. After bath time, Ann and I would do sprints up and down our hallway while mom or dad chanted, “I am going to tweak your biscuits.” I recognize that this all sounds a bit dirty now, but at the time, it was a feverishly fun game.

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