Thursday, December 16, 2010

Babies R Us Excursion

I am guessing that in about one year’s time, the mere mention of this store will really rattle my boots. Perhaps instead of affectionately urging Scott to take me to Menards and Home Depot all the time, Babies R Us may just become my new store of choice. However, for the time being, Babies R Us holds much fear and loathing. There’s just so much stuff--little, tiny weenie stuff, not to mention plastic galore.

But I am pregnant, expecting a child, and there are just some things this little girl will need, so yesterday evening, I faced the giant (queue daunting music). Thankfully, I was not alone. I had two gracious, experienced friends to guide me through the seemingly endless aisles and offer suggestions and tips they’ve garnered from raising daughters of their own. Thank you Heather and Erin for sharing your expertise with me, it was greatly appreciated!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Unfurl Little Girl

So yesterday morning was a big day in our pregnancy. Not only did we get see our little sunray moving about, but with great finagling, we were able to determine that I am host to a baby girl!

This was a momentous occasion for me in particular. Whereas some women seem to experience this instinctual and instantaneous love for carrying a child, I have admittedly felt slightly disenchanted with the experience. I have not enjoyed watching my body, complexion, or hair change, and the immediate and severe loss of energy has taken its toll. That said, yesterday was magic for me.

Seeing baby girl bat and move around was truly something miraculous to behold. Her arms were flailing every which way (looks like there may be some serious swaddling in her future), and she routinely sucked her fingers, rubbed her head and eyes, and even yawned (when she did this, we could see the formation of all her teeth buds!) Seeing all the vertebrae in her spine, the already developing brain matter, and the tick-tick of her little beating heart put new meaning to the verse, “you are fearfully and wonderfully made.”

I love this little girl. I am honored that God has entrusted her into my care, and I cannot wait to see her, and hold her, and tell her all about our great God that created her for a purpose.

In the mean time, we make speedy preparation for her arrival—there’s a nursery to outfit, a scary store called “Babies R Us” calling our name, and many details that need to be sorted through before baby girl graces us with her presence. Until then, we wait with expectant hearts and baited breath.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Hello Baby

So I think I have finally made it out of the questionable, “is she, is she not?” phase of pregnancy. In fact, last night at the women’s tea, Lee Wagner looked at me, then down at my belly, and instantly grabbed it and exclaimed, “Oh my, you’re pregnant!” This is way better than had she looked down and said, “Oh my, you’ve really gotten fat!”

Yes, baby is starting to make quite the statement in my midsection. I officially outgrew a pair of jean in one week’s time. Last week I could button them, this week I could not. I told Scott that I hope to never repeat that experience in any other circumstance, but because I am growing a human, I am okay with it.

We’ve started to make stabs at the baby room as well. Over the long holiday weekend we scraped the popcorn texture from the ceiling and ripped up the dingy carpeting and trim work. We have a new window to install, we have to hardwire for a light fixture, install the new hardwood floors, build a closet organization system, trim out the whole room and paint every surface. Thankfully the room is only 8 x 11!

So, I am less than a week away from my ultrasound—I am starting to feel pretty excited about things at this point. Baby started moving around while at the Thanksgiving table. Now that I know what I am feeling for, I think I have been feeling the baby for several weeks. Everyone says it feels like a flutter, I think it feels like a fish. Every once in a while it’s like one of the fins rubs up against your insides and it gives you a strange quivering sensation. Pretty neat indeed!

So, does anyone want take a gamble at the gender of Baby J? All along my maternal instincts have thought boy. What do you think?