Monday, April 25, 2011

40 Wks & 2 Days Pregnant

I was hoping that I wouldn’t make it to today’s appointment, but sure enough, baby girl had other plans. Though I’ve made some progress, I am still just 1 centimeter dilated and 70% effaced. However, the doctor said that my cervix is much softer than it was a week ago. In an effort to speed things along, she tried stripping the mucus membranes—a process where they attempt to loosen the water sack from the cervix. Despite reading horrible things about the discomfort involved in this process, I didn’t find it too bad. As always, the doctor commented on how low baby is sitting and that hopefully this should make for a swift delivery.

More concerning are my swollen lower extremities. Despite my desire to “walk” this child out of me, she said it is best if I try to lay low and rest on my left side as much as possible. I have another appointment scheduled for next Monday, where if baby girl is not born, I will be scheduled for induction. I really do not want to be induced as I have heard labor is far worse going this route, so I am hopeful and prayerful that baby girl will make her debut without this extra measure. My doctor thinks I have a 50% shot of making it to next Monday’s appointment, but for the sake of my back, bum, and legs, I really hope that she is wrong.

Friday, April 22, 2011

40 Weeks Pregnant as of Tomorrow

9 more hours and it will be my due date, 4/23/11. I am guessing that several weeks from now when my baby is actually in my arms, this date will be of little consequence, and it will only be her actual birth date that will remain memorable, but as of right now, 4/23 is the day written on my heart for meeting my daughter.

As of right now, I am having absolutely no symptoms. I’ve had several bouts of menstrual-type cramps and maybe some Braxton-hicks (no idea what I am feeling for), but nothing that would seem to constitute that labor is imminent. At any rate, our bags and packed and we are ready to go.

My lovely co-worker (due May 3rd), already had her baby this past Wednesday, 4/20. While everyone was ecstatic, people really commiserated with me as they saw me lumbering through the hallways. I am constantly being questioned, “So, when are you going to have this baby?” Believe me, I wish I knew.

So the plan for the weekend is to do something fun. To enjoy my husband, to sleep in late, go for good walks, eat an Easter feast, and relish these last moments before baby.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

4 Days to Go . . .

And feeling very, very ready. My feet and legs are really something to behold. Scott took pictures to document this stage of pregnancy, but I feel a little too embarrassed to post them now. Perhaps in several months when I am more or less normal I will post them and be able to recall the whole situation with a good laugh.
I had another doctor appointment today and sadly, nothing much happening. I am 1 centimeter dilated and 70% effaced. Had I been a little further along, the doctor would have tried to strip the mucus membranes (FUN!), to try to bring on labor. When I told her that I was not presently experiencing any contractions, she seemed a little disappointed and said, “oh, usually we like to have people experiencing some contractions by this point.” It made me feel like, whoa, I am going to be in this for the long haul. My next appointment is scheduled for next Monday, which will be two days post due date. I am really hoping to be in labor by that point, but I have an ominous suspicion that this little girl will make her entrance come May.
Perhaps though, given the weird weather pattern we’re expecting (4-6 inches of snow tonight), that perhaps this will do something. It’s probably hokey, but people who work in labor and delivery always seem to claim that strange atmospheric pressure sends people into labor. We shall see . . .

Thursday, April 14, 2011

9 Day to Go . . .

So another appointment today. Not too much to report. The doctor did say that I have stage three Edema—meaning I am really swollen! I weighed an amount this morning that I am too embarrassed to report, but the doctor assured me that the weight gain is solely attributed to water retention. At this point, my doctor is looking for any reason to induce me. Though Edema is uncomfortable, it is not medical reason enough to warrant an induction. My blood pressure was a little higher than normal today, but no reason for alarm. Just to be sure that I am not on the verge of preeclampsia, the doctor ran a battery of tests: urine samples, amniotic fluid test, and blood work. If anything shows up (which I am sure nothing will), this will be an automatic ticket to labor and delivery. They said they would let me know the results of my tests by tomorrow. The doctor also checked the baby’s position and I am still not dilated, however, baby is sitting very, very low. The doctor said that when she sees babies sitting this low, it usually means a swift delivery. I guess many women have to labor and push for hours to get baby to point where she is right now. She said in all likeliness, it will be one or two good pushes and baby will be out. I guess that is encouraging news! So, we’ll see what next Saturday holds. Though I am still suspecting that baby will arrive late rather than early, it’s really any time now . . . hard to believe. Prayers are appreciated.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

How Low Can You Go?

I am currently a little over 37 weeks along, and had my first doctor’s examine today to check for progress. I will say, these aren’t exactly “fun” exams. When they check you, they really just go for it. According to the doctor, my cervix has started to thin just slightly and baby is head-down and situated very low. I can tell that baby has dropped recently, so the doctor’s remark came as no surprise. I’ve also been battling bouts of menstrual-type cramps and other “lovely” side effects from the added pressure of baby’s placement. My legs, ankles, and feet are very, very swollen. The doctor said lots of swelling is common in first pregnancies. She wasn’t alarmed, but it’s something they will keep their eye on. She did say that from time-to-time they are forced to induce due to excessive swelling. While the condition hasn’t made me terribly uncomfortable, I am acutely aware that my limbs are no longer my own. Truly, I look down and can’t even believe that these huge, puffy masses are attached to my body. I know the condition is short lived, and I will one day see my ankles again, but I am presently very embarrassed by their appearance. In fact, I have a spa day scheduled for next weekend, including a really nice pedicure, and I almost feel like I don’t want to go. No one should be subjected to the sight of my feet right now! In other news, I had a wonderful weekend. My dear sister and cousin prepared an amazing shower for me on Saturday. Both the Swedes and Greeks were in attendance along with some old friends. All-in-all, the day was perfect. We had wonderful fellowship, great food, and once again, I was bombarded with people’s kindness and generosity. Throughout the course of this pregnancy, I have felt extremely supported and loved. I am aware that not everyone receives the kind of support that I’ve been privy to, and I am so grateful. This little girl is lucky. Not because I think Scott and I are overly capable, but because we are plugged in to an amazing network of people that I know care for us and will in turn care for our daughter. I am honored to come from the kind of family that I do, and I am honored to have friends that I know uphold me during both the challenges and joys of life.