Friday, January 21, 2011

Sunday-School Song: Pregnancy Remix

Today is the first day of my third trimester. It’s weird. I suddenly FEEL uncomfortable. Maybe it’s mental, but I don’t think so. I am suddenly grimacing while putting on my socks, HOT (even in these -40 temps), and feeling crampy and miserable at night. What happened? Scott bit the bullet and agreed to buy me one of those over-stuffed “pregnancy pillows.” It takes up more than half the bed, but it really does make a difference. In lieu of my newfound discomfort, I’ve rewritten the words to an ol’ Sunday school classic:

I’ve got pee like a river
I’ve got aches like an ocean
I’ve got heartburn like a fountain in my soul

For those of you that have blazed the trail before me, I am sure the discomfort of the sixth month is nothing compared to the discomfort of the ninth month. And for that phase, I am reserving my revised version of “Baby Beluga.”

1 comment:

Linnea said...

Sorry, I honestly don't remember being uncomfortable! Even at 9 months, nearly 10 months, I don't remember it being that bad! Either my body is different or I have a bad memory! Hope you aren't too uncomfortable the next three months! Glad the pillow helps, there is no way Nate would allow one in our bed! I don't blame him considering I hog more than half the bed the way it is!!