Wednesday, February 2, 2011

28 Wks and Growing

As I compose this post, my innards are being pummeled by my sweet little girl. It’s the strangest thing to look down and watch my tummy twitch and shift with her movements. I cannot determine any specific body parts just yet, but at times, she appears to be at a diagonal, with one little foot or hand punching me to the left of my bladder while simultaneously, one little hand or foot punches me below my right rib. It’s not exactly pleasant, but as many moms will echo, I live for these little kicks. There’s so much vitality in them. It’s her way of letting me know she is alive and well, and for that, I am so thankful.

Over the weekend, my parents dropped off the crib and changing table that we’re planning to use. It’s been housed in a garage for the past twenty years, so it was quite dirty. Scott put things together on Sunday afternoon and we scoured it well. We checked everything out, and all meets code. As with the changing table, it’s going to need a fresh coat of paint and some tightening up, but overall, I am very pleased.

We still have a decent amount of work to do in the nursery, but we’re getting close. Trim went up over the weekend, and we’ll work on getting things painted over the course of the next week. For being a teeny, tiny space (11 x 9), I am completely charmed by the room and surprisingly, everything seems to fit just fine. It’s certainly big enough to house a 7 lbs baby (fingers crossed on that latter statement).

I’ve done a little shopping on Etsy as of late. I’ve purchased three little prints for the nursery that I plan on framing in vintage, white, distressed frames. See below:
Once things get arranged in the room, I'll make sure to get some pics posted. My plan is to finish sewing curtains over the weekend. It's an exciting time, race to the finish for sure.

1 comment:

gianoula said...

I like the artwork a lot! Where is the 3rd one you talked about? I can't wait to see the finished product.