Thursday, April 14, 2011

9 Day to Go . . .

So another appointment today. Not too much to report. The doctor did say that I have stage three Edema—meaning I am really swollen! I weighed an amount this morning that I am too embarrassed to report, but the doctor assured me that the weight gain is solely attributed to water retention. At this point, my doctor is looking for any reason to induce me. Though Edema is uncomfortable, it is not medical reason enough to warrant an induction. My blood pressure was a little higher than normal today, but no reason for alarm. Just to be sure that I am not on the verge of preeclampsia, the doctor ran a battery of tests: urine samples, amniotic fluid test, and blood work. If anything shows up (which I am sure nothing will), this will be an automatic ticket to labor and delivery. They said they would let me know the results of my tests by tomorrow. The doctor also checked the baby’s position and I am still not dilated, however, baby is sitting very, very low. The doctor said that when she sees babies sitting this low, it usually means a swift delivery. I guess many women have to labor and push for hours to get baby to point where she is right now. She said in all likeliness, it will be one or two good pushes and baby will be out. I guess that is encouraging news! So, we’ll see what next Saturday holds. Though I am still suspecting that baby will arrive late rather than early, it’s really any time now . . . hard to believe. Prayers are appreciated.


Anonymous said...

I had an appointment on Tuesday and my midwife said that baby hadn't really dropped at all. She couldn't feel the baby's head when she tried to check my progression. But then I went to the Maple Grove sale last night and I think being on my feet walking for a few hours got the baby to drop. So maybe walking around tomorrow night shopping will help get things moving for you!!!

gianoula said...

I agree with the walking idea- remember Mom went for a fast walk the night before she had you!