Monday, March 28, 2011

Work Baby Shower

Last Friday my co-workers put on a lovely baby shower for me. They did a beautiful job setting the table and had a delicious array of foods that were right up my alley. We played several games, and my boss shared some really thoughtful words about the “Top 10 Ways Your Life Will Change with a Baby.” The whole afternoon was just a really joyous occasion and once again, I felt very valued and special. I got several gifts; among them were two things that I desperately wanted: Sofie the Giraffe and the Beaba Babycook baby food maker. I’ve had intentions of making my own baby food, especially after seeing the jarred baby food at my church shower, and this tool will give me an easy and affordable way of going about it. I can’t wait to try it out! Last night Scott and I went to Target and bought all the items for my hospital bag and I’ve started to get things packed. Seeing those bags sitting there is both an ominous and exciting reminder of just how close we are to meeting our daughter. Starting next week, I’ll be going to the doctor every week and they’ll start checking to see if any progress is being made. I asked my doctor how late they let you go, and evidently they do allow patients to go two weeks late; however they start testing the placenta and amniotic fluid after a week to make sure baby is okay. So at the very latest, I should have a daughter by May 7th, one day before Mother’s Day. I am still hoping to have an April daughter, but I have a strong haunch that this will be a May Day baby. On a very trivial note, April’s birthstone is a diamond and May’s birthstone is an Emerald. I’ve always thought Emeralds are the ugliest stone.

1 comment:

Linnea said...

I'd totally go for the diamond too!!