Tuesday, March 29, 2011

25 Days . . .

So I am just on the cusp of being considered “full term” at 37 weeks pregnant. According to the babycenter.com, little girl is likely over 6 lbs at this point and around 19 inches long. I still cannot get over the fact that I have a fully constructed human being tucked into my midsection. There’s no doubt, pregnancy is a miraculous process! I follow a local photographer’s blog, Shelley Paulson, and several days ago she posted a photo birth story of her best friend. Granted, this birth story will be much different than mine as she elected to have a home water birth and I will be in the hospital, but nonetheless, it was a beautiful portrayal of a new life coming into the world. I am praying that I do not have 10 lbs, 11oz baby! Check out the link: http://blog.shelleypaulson.com/?p=5331

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